Introducing CHOP-R!
Our grid based loop randomizer.
This is a pre-release! Please make sure to use the demo excessively before you buy. If you observe any problems or anything strange, don't hesitate to contact us.
Flippin' Random Beats
Chop-R is a beat slicer, but not one in the traditional sense.
It cuts a loop, into a grid of equal sized parts. So that when you move the parts around, you keep the original groove and everything stays locked in tempo. You will be aided to re-order these parts in creative and musical ways, by using different algorithms to randomize the playback order of the parts.
You can time-stretch (courtesy of Signalsmith Stretch Library) and pitch to match your projects key and tempo. Finally filter, EQ and distortion effects are available for you to shape the output.

Loop and Chop
You can select the number of beats manually or let the plugin deduce it. Thanks to time stretching and pitching, you can adapt to key and tempo to match your project without being limited to the original material.
The sequencer enables you to selectively lock slices and manually alter them in innovative ways, affording complete control over the creative process.

Sugar and Spice - add effects
To add more creative choices, there is a bunch of effects you can throw into the mix.
Chop-R features different filters like EQ-ing, low, high and band pass resonating filters and several distortion flavours, including a crazy digital one!
Randomizing Algorithms
We offer several algortihms created specially to chop your sounds in unique new ways,
giving new inspiration to your old loops.
save beats i-III
These algorithms try to preserve the musical context of the slices.
Like save beats, but all the beats are avoided. Good for drum breaks for instance.
A save beats algorithm that emphasizes the down beats over the off beats.
Same as save beats, but with consecutive pairs. Useful for half-speed styles.
Randomise every other slice. Muting the ones in between.
Try with cross-fade!
An algorithm specially tailored for creating dancehall type beats.
Save beats, but all down beats are the same as the first down beat.
Create smooth ramps. Useful when using as a granular effect.
Randomize, but every next slice is bigger then the previous (wrapping at the end).
Just fully randomizing all slices.
Chop-R will flip your life around
Get it now!
Open new worlds with a single click at your finger tips.
See Chop-R in action!
Original loop courtesy of mugent (

Get Chop-R!
All our products are available with a 14 days fully functional demo period. No account required. After that you will be asked to create a free login on our page and buy a license to keep using the product.
Just download, run the installer and click “Start Demo” in the plugin.
Introduction Pre-Release Offer
Get it for 50% off!!
Technical Specifications
It is available for MacOS from 10.16 up to Monterey, including Intel and ARM natively.
On Windows it runs from windows 7 up to latest Windows 11.